I’ve been playing around with quite a lot of technologies lately, putting together Raspberry PIs, playing with docker and even more so since the arrival of its new native mac version, deploying docker swarm and initiating an home automation project based on Jeedom.
As a Mac addict I used to run virtual machines, using VMWare Fusion Pro, to have a working release of the product my company is deploying for our clients. I encountered Vagrant while developing a quick and dirty solution with Laravel and finally stumbled on Docker. From day one I found it amazing. I’m working on a Docker package of the proprietary product we’re implementing. More on that on a later post potentially.
So far I was keeping my notes on Evernote. But I realised that without the help found on all kind of blogs on the Internet I would have not been able to achieve half of it.
That’s why I decided to start sharing my findings. The first logical step was obviously to look for a blog solution. During my research on blog solutions I encountered several posts (here and here and here) where educated users explained why they moved away from Wordpress and migrated to Jekyll. Considering that I’m now heavily using Github to fork projects and store my own ones, it was kind of an obvious step to go for a solution hosted on github. I’m still a command line guy at the heart. I will explain in more details why I went down that route in a future post but to make a long story short, I ended up with deploying and publishing with Github pages, which is powered by Jekyll and a nice theme: Jekyll-Mono, which I slightly amended.
I hope that the entries of this blog will be helpful to someone somewhere.
PS.: the photo above is from the cluster of PI3 I put together to experiment with docker swarm on a real scale. More on that also later ;-)