One of my morning rituals is to watch a couple of Ted talks. I do not know if you’re familiar with this site but in short, it aims at spreading ideas from today’s thinkers and researchers. I did not take the time to investigate how they choose their speakers so it might not be objective but almost every video I watched so far stirred my curiosity and generated thoughts.

TED talks

I do not choose the videos myself but let twitter (I follow TED talks) bring them to my attention and based on the excerpt I watch it… or not…

The first video I watched this morning is a talk from Chris Urmson, the Director of Self-Driving Cars at GoogleX. It obviously made me marvel at the technology behind: How a driverless car sees the road.

The second one from Nick Bostrom is a kind of mirror response as it questions the humanity future with super artificial intelligences: What happens when our computers get smarter than we are?